January 03, 2017

2017 - Year of the Kitsch?

By Lee Franklin

Kitsch Elvis Coasters

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We're embracing the new year with a decidedly kitsch attitude. Just before Christmas, in the mayhem of festivities, we launched our kitsch Elvis Coasters, fabulous Flamingo Coasters and our sickly sweet Donut Coasters ... and we had such a great response that we have decided to roll out more kitschness in the coming months ... so watch this space if you're a fan quirky and over the top vintage style .... while still remaining totally classy and chic .... of course ... 

Fabulous Flamingo by Inkabilly

We've lots of plans for many new products too! Make sure you join us on facebook, Instagram and Twitter to be kept in the loop ... or sign up for our newsletter (and get an instant 10% off your next purchase!).

Donut Coasters by Inkabilly